Tuesday, March 27, 2012

That One Girl having an odd day.

That One Girl having an odd day. 

Spyro: I'd prefer you not read this. 

I'm sure you the readers may already be able to tell that I'm having an odd day considering the note above. My best friend knows about my blog, but for the time being we are not speaking.  Why? Well, not entirely sure. Um... we are in love, and I'm dating his best friend. My boyfriend Derick asked if I was cheating on him last night when I spent an hour with him for the 1st time in weeks. He got hurt really bad at his work, so I wanted to make him feel a little better, bring him something to eat (but he wasn't feeling good), and just cuddle. Pretend like everything is okay. 

Needless to say, yesterday sucked. Today is sucking even more. Just got back from lunch. How did I spend it? Alone, crying under a tree, and eating. Stupid me picked up my phone to call Spyro, but we didn't talk. Fought with, uhh a friend. He wanted to be there for me, see what was wrong, and I was a bitch to him. Just acted like I wanted him to get away before he could even talk to me, and now he's mad, with reason to be. I didn't mean to. It just happened and then I felt like death.

I just feel like the worst person in the world right now. Like everything is falling apart. I just keep hurting people.

I really miss Spyro. Everything has just felt off lately. We have good days, but it keeps going bad. I know this is my fault. My mess. I just.... need more time. Or a time machine. Or a coffin. 


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